283 | Two ‘lab-made’ devices employed as electronic Von Frey test, for animal behavioral neurology experiments.

Tools Development and Open Source Neuroscience

Author: David Oscar Donalisio | Email: daviddonalisio@gmail.com

David Donalisio , Vanina Usach , Patricia Setton-Avruj

1° Instituto de Química y Fisicoquímica Biológicas “Dr. Alejandro C. Paladini”, FFyB Cátedra de Química Biológica Patológica, Instituto de Química, UBA-CONICET.

Our group is dedicated to the study of multipotent adult stem cells and its effects on peripheral neuropathies induced by compression and trauma, analyzing morphological, functional, and behavioral aspects. The devices available to evaluate motor and sensitive responses after a sciatic nerve injury are very expensive. In this context, the aim of this work is to present two devices, built with commercial components. One for electronic Von Frey test and the other for Von Frey test and electrophysiological experiments. The first prototype consists of a simple Arduino with a HX711 module, attached to a single beam load cell. This equipment, considering its simplicity, has the advantage of both being robust and precise. The second device consists of a STM32 attached to an ADS1256 which can be set to achieve two different functionalities. When attached to a load cell with the proper configuration it converts to an electronic Von Frey that can be set to multiple sample rates, in our case, to 1000 samples per second (sps). On the other hand, the equipment set to its maximum sps (30000), can be employed for preliminary electrophysiological studies. Both prototypes were calibrated to up to 60 ±0.1g (a threshold for our normal vs. injured parameters) and their functionality was tested in the rat model of Wallerian degeneration studied in our group. Overall, this lab-made equipment is a good substitute in our country for the otherwise imported and expensive versions currently available.